Ráda bych sem napsala, kdo jsem, jenže problém je v tom, že to sama nevím. Doufám ale, že mi blogování pomůže to zjistit a že mi pomůže v seberealizaci, zlepšení mého postoje celkově a že nasbírám nové zkušenosti a třeba poznám nové lidi.
Jmenuji se Theresa, ale podle svého příjmení se pod články budu podepisovat jako Blueberry. :)
I've been living in the world of blogging for a couple of year now: I've always been interested in beauty, some tips and tricks, fashion and last but not least in healthy living - fitness and clean eating. I'm going to focus on these things in my blog.
As soon as I understood the system and the purpose of blogging, I instantly fell in love with it, fascinated by this huge community, but I wasn't brave enough to join it - until now. I hope it'll become my special place, where I'll be able to run away from the monotony, which sometimes overtakes my life.
I would like to write down, who I am, but the problem is - I myself don't know it. But I hope, blog will help me find it out and it will help me with my self-realization, with perfecting my attitude in general and that I'll gain some new experience and maybe meet some new people.
I would like to write down, who I am, but the problem is - I myself don't know it. But I hope, blog will help me find it out and it will help me with my self-realization, with perfecting my attitude in general and that I'll gain some new experience and maybe meet some new people.
My name is Theresa, but after my surname, I'm gonna sign under my posts as Blueberry. :)
I really like the style of your blog & I really like the way you take/edit pictures ^^ good luck and keep up the good work! I finally worked up the courage to start my blog X3 so let's see where this journey will take us!
Aww thank you <3