September 16, 2014

DIY Kimono & OOTD

Je mi líto, že poslední dobou moc příspěvků nepřidávám - asi je pro mě šok, že najednou musím 6-8 hodin mého dne trávit na jednom takovém místě (tzv. škola), ale vynasnažím se co nejvíc, abych přidávala pravidelně :-)
A teď už k tématu - na pinterestu jsem viděla jednoduchý návod na Do It Yourself kimono z obyčejného šátku. A protože kimona stojí v obchodě běžně nejméně 400 Kč, rozhodla jsem se tuto operaci podstoupit...

I'm sorry I haven't been posting lately - I just have to get used to the fact, that suddenly I have to spend 6-8 hours a day at this  one place (so-called school), I'll try my hardest to be posting 
consistently :-)
On Pinterest I spotted this easy tutorial on how to DIY a Kimono using a scarf. And, because kimonos cost most likely over 20 dollars, I decided to to accept this challenge...

1. Nejdřív si koupíte opravdu velký šátek (já koupila svůj v C&A ve slevě za 50 kč)
2. Přeložíte ho napůl tak, aby ohyb byl nahoře (z vašeho pohledu)
3. Část označenou bíle, vystřihnete do obou vrstev najednou.
4. Část zvýrazněnou červeně, vystřihnete jen do svrchní vrstvy.
5. Části označené zeleně k sobě slepíte nebo sešijete. (Já pouze lepila)

1. First you have to buy a really big scarf (I got mine from C&A discounted to about 3$)
2. Then you fold it over, so the folded part is at the top.
3. Cut out the part marked with a white line in both layers.
4. Cut out the part marked with a red line only in the top layer.
5. Sew or glue together the parts marked with the green line. (I just glued them)

Please don't mind my creased top :x

A to je vše! Můžete vidět, že to není úplně perfektní, ale to mě moc neobtěžuje - dala jsem za to jen 50 Kč! Původně jsem chtěla přidat i třásně na spodek, ale koupila jsem moc těžké - lepidlo by je nepřilepilo. Mně osobně se tohle malé kimono moc líbí :) 

Nosíte rádi kimona?

And that's it! As you can see, it isn't perfect, but that doesn't bother me - I only spent 3 dollars on it! Originally I intended to add some fringing at the bottom, but it wase too heavy and the glue wouldn't glue it on. I personally like this little kimono :)

Do you like wearing kimonos?

Scarf: C&A

Top: Pull & Bear

Leggings: TEZENIS

Boots: Clarks


  1. Amazing kimono - I can't believe that you made it yourself! Great job!

    The Belle Narrative

  2. Can't believe you made that kimono! Also I love the necklace and boots - basically your whole look :)

    Bf Gf Does Blogging

  3. Oh wow, it's so pretty! I've just posted a new blog post, it would mean a lot of you could check it out? xx

  4. pretty blog and nice post :)
    i followed you on GFC, please follow back thank you xx

  5. Helloo :*

    Lovely Post! Loved it! Thanks for sharing x

    I'm new.. follow for follow?


    The Malteser

  6. I love your kimono I can't believe you made it yourself! I am loving kimonos at the moment they are so easy to wear!
    Em x

  7. this is so easy and amazing,thanks for sharing, love!:))

  8. Wow that's so cleaver, if that was in a shop I would probably pay $20 for it.
    You're so stunning as well


  9. This is the most awesome DIY <3 I didn't know about that and i will definitely do it, too :-) Great Idea!! ♥

  10. Wáááááu no teda, to by mě teda nenapadlo! To je úžasnej nápad, musím sehnat velkej šátek a do výroby se dám taky :) Ty kimona se mi teďka fakt líbí
    Blog by Veru

  11. Tyjo, super, nápadité. Seš fakt dobrá :).

  12. I love the idea of a kimono. They are very overpriced, in my opinion, so this is a great alternative! :)

  13. Hi dear !
    You have such a lovely blog. Loving the DIY kimono! Would you like to follow each other on gfc/g+/bloglovin ? I also switch textlinks and banners. I already followed you on GFC and hope you do the same :)
    Thanks already & Let me know :)
    isa | My Blog: Stoer & Sexy

  14. Video, kde to jedna slečna vyráběla jsem viděla:), musím říct, že tobě se o opravdu povedlo!

  15. Wow! You made this gorgeous kimono? You are very talented girl! Love the complete outfit but the kimono is the cherry on top! Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.

  16. wow, that's such a fantastic idea! pure genius i must say instead of spending so much on them :)

    Jennos Health.

  17. wow this is a gorgeous outfit! I love your blog, I've followed on GFC!

  18. Wow! Super nápad!
    Máš pěkný blog:)) Nechceš se vzájemně sledovat?

  19. Je to skvělý nápad, to kimono vypadá velmi pěkně

  20. beautifu outfit...
    do you follow me:

  21. This is such a good ideaa! It came out really nice and such a pretty print! x

    TR's Thoughts

  22. Such an awesome idea, I'll be trying this myself! Love the blog doll :)

    Alice x


Every comment makes me very happy! Thank you ♥